SAS Punjab Portal is forum for all the aspirants of State Accounts Services of Punjab. Here, you can avail all the study material, syllabus, updates and old question papers of SAS Examination.

Latest SAS Punjab Syllabus | OB Examination | LAD Examination | PDF download

SAS Punjab OB Examination has two parts :-

1. OB-1

2. OB-2

1. SAS Punjab OB-1  has four papers which are as follow:-

1.  English & Punjab ( Each 75 Marks ) 

2.  Punjab Civil Services ( 150 Marks )

3.   Audit and Account Codes ( 150 Marks ) 

4.  Commercial Book  Keeping ( 150 Marks )

<< Click here to Download SAS Punjab Syllabus OB-1 in PDF >>

2. SAS Punjab OB-2  has four papers which are as follow:-

1.  Constitution of India and Budget Manual ( Each 75 Marks ) 

2.  P.W.D Account Rules and Procedure ( 150 Marks )

3.  Advanced Accountancy ( 150 Marks ) 

4.  Cost Accounts and Inventory Valuation and Control ( 150 Marks )

<< Click here to Download SAS Punjab Syllabus OB-2 in PDF >>

SAS Punjab LAD Examination has two parts :-

1. LAD-1

2. LAD-2

1. SAS Punjab LAD-1  has five papers which are as follow:-

1.  English & Punjab ( Each 75 Marks ) 

2.  Punjab Civil Services ( 150 Marks )

3.   Audit and Account Codes ( 150 Marks ) 

4.  Commercial Book  Keeping ( 150 Marks )

5.  Rules and Regulations for the Inspection and Audit of Accounts (100 Marks)

<< Click here to Download SAS Punjab Syllabus LAD-1 in PDF >>

2. SAS Punjab LAD-2  has five papers which are as follow:-

1.  Constitution of India and Budget Manual ( Each 75 Marks ) 

2.  P.W.D Account Rules and Procedure ( 150 Marks )

3. Acts and Statutory Rules Including Financial Rules Relating to Local Authorities (150 Marks)

4.  Acts and Statutory Rules Relating to Universities Educational Institutions etc ( 150 Marks ) 

5. Other Acts and Rules  (100 Marks )

<< Click here to Download SAS Punjab Syllabus LAD-2 in PDF >>


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